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Report on Trade Creation Effect

The Trade Creation Effect report returns individual results on Trade Total effect by product code/partner combination and for all products as one aggregate.

The table contains the following information:

Column Heading



returns Total HS which corresponds to the aggregated results for all products included in the simulation;

HS Code

is the HS 6-digit code;

Tariff Line Code

replicates the HS 6-digit code since tariff line level simulation is not working yet;


the partner (exporter) name;

Trade Total Effect ($'000)

is the sum of Trade Diversion effect, Trade Creation Effect and Price Effect. It corresponds to the impact of the tariff reform on import flows.

Trade Diversion Effect ($'000)

is the trade diversion effect among partners. Market side, trade diversion is equal to zero since what is gained by beneficiaries of the tariff reform is exactly compensated by the loss of all other partners;

Trade Creation Effect ($'000)

is trade creation effect for both the market and its partners;

Price Effect ($'000)

returns a value different from zero only in simulations where export supply elasticity is not infinite. It corresponds to a change in the world unit price following a change in domestic demand for imported goods.

Old Simple Duty Rate (%)

is the pre-tariff change simple average tariff;

New Simple Duty Rate (%)

is the post-tariff change simple average tariff;

Note: $'000 means thousand of current US dollars

Next: Revenue Impact Report

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The World Bank, 2010